SEO for Plumbers is a great way for plumbers to get more customers.
SEO for Plumbers
Plumbers need SEO or Search Engine Optimization for their plumbing business’s website so that people can find them online when they want to hire an plumber. People don’t use the yellow pages anymore, so the majority of new business for plumbers comes from search engine optimization. There are approximately 2,850,000 searches for plumbers each and every month, that’s a LOT of opportunity!
But what exactly is SEO?
SEO for plumbers or plumber search engine optimization is the act of optimizing a plumber’s website in ways such as how the images are named, providing content with relevant information and both internal and external links so its pages can become easily findable, more relevant, and more authoritative so search engines rank them better. Think of SEO for plumbers as managing your word of mouth marketing, the search engines are going to refer more people to you because the search engine had a better experience with your website.
Plumbers have a lot of competition.
SEO is important for a plumber because there are 127,000 plumber businesses competing for their share of the $124 billion plumbing industry, according to the IBIS world report. Certainly you can expect to get some business from repeat business and referrals, but even when your past customers are searching for a plumber in your area to try to find your phone number, you want your business to be as close to the top as possible. Regardless of how long or short of a time you have been in business, the Internet is going to give you the majority of your clients, if you have the SEO that your plumbing business needs.
SEO for plumbers is competitive.
If you own a plumbing business in a city of any size at all you have multiple competitors, probably many competitors all fighting for the customers in your market area. In many cities it is not unusual to have hundreds of plumbers fighting for the same customers. In fact, since about one person in 600 in the USA is a plumber, there are probably as many plumbers in your area as restaurants! With that much competition where your website ranks in the search engines has a direct impact on your sales and your profits.
Plumbers need SEO or Search Engine Optimization for their plumbing business’s website so that people can find them online when they want to hire an plumber. People don’t use the yellow pages anymore, so the majority of new business for plumbers comes from search engine optimization. There are approximately 2,850,000 searches for plumbers each and every month, that’s a LOT of opportunity!
But what exactly is SEO?
SEO for plumbers or plumber search engine optimization is the act of optimizing a plumber’s website in ways such as how the images are named, providing content with relevant information and both internal and external links so its pages can become easily findable, more relevant, and more authoritative so search engines rank them better. Think of SEO for plumbers as managing your word of mouth marketing, the search engines are going to refer more people to you because the search engine had a better experience with your website.
Plumbers have a lot of competition.
SEO is important for a plumber because there are 127,000 plumber businesses competing for their share of the $124 billion plumbing industry, according to the IBIS world report. Certainly you can expect to get some business from repeat business and referrals, but even when your past customers are searching for a plumber in your area to try to find your phone number, you want your business to be as close to the top as possible. Regardless of how long or short of a time you have been in business, the Internet is going to give you the majority of your clients, if you have the SEO that your plumbing business needs.
SEO for plumbers is competitive.
If you own a plumbing business in a city of any size at all you have multiple competitors, probably many competitors all fighting for the customers in your market area. In many cities it is not unusual to have hundreds of plumbers fighting for the same customers. In fact, since about one person in 600 in the USA is a plumber, there are probably as many plumbers in your area as restaurants! With that much competition where your website ranks in the search engines has a direct impact on your sales and your profits.
There is a lot of opportunity for plumbers that use SEO.
Last month in the United states there were nearly 3 million searches for plumbers in the United States. That’s almost one search for every 120 people in the country. Just the term “plumber near me” had 500,000 searches last month! There were 50,000 searches for “plumber near me”. Do the search engines know where you are doing business? Do the search engines show you higher than your competitors in a “near me” type of search? Does your website mention all of the cities in your area? If your website mentions that you are located in Atlanta but it doesn’t mention the little cities around Atlanta then you are losing clients.
Last month in the United states there were nearly 3 million searches for plumbers in the United States. That’s almost one search for every 120 people in the country. Just the term “plumber near me” had 500,000 searches last month! There were 50,000 searches for “plumber near me”. Do the search engines know where you are doing business? Do the search engines show you higher than your competitors in a “near me” type of search? Does your website mention all of the cities in your area? If your website mentions that you are located in Atlanta but it doesn’t mention the little cities around Atlanta then you are losing clients.
Plumber SEO is a valuable form of marketing.
Look at what plumbers in Chicago Illinois are willing to pay just to get a single visitor to their website, anywhere from $8 to $42 per click. Remember a click isn't always a visitor, if your website loads slowly they may not wait for your page to load before they try the next website. A #1 position for Plumber in Chicago IL is probably getting about 25% of those 5,000 searches or 1,250 clicks, each of which is worth an average of $23.60, making the #1 position for Plumber in Chicago worth $29,500 a month! Keep in mind, that's just the value of the first search term, there are an average of 46,950 searches for plumbers in the average month. That #1 position is worth $277,000 a month! Even if you averaged just being on the very bottom of the first page which would give you 1/10th as many visitors, that would be worth $27,000 a month.
There are a lot of different ways to phrase “I need a plumber”.
There are over 600 different keywords that prospects use to look for a plumber online. Even people who are looking for the same type of solution don’t type the same things into the search engines. Some people are typing in plumber near me, some people are typing in best plumber near me, others are just typing in plumber, or plumber and the name of the city they live in. To the degree possible, your search engine optimization needs to take all of the different keywords into account, this is where your website's blog posts can come in very handy.
SEO for plumbers is better than using shared leads.
Shared leads are available from multiple companies but with shared leads you are in a race against time to be the first person to call them, and it’s difficult to establish credibility when you are one of five firms chasing the same prospect at the same time. That level of competition for your prospects can drive down your hourly billing rate, even for the prospects that can easily afford to hire you. Getting clients is hard enough without battling against 3-5 other plumbers at the same time with every single prospective client. Shared leads do work, you are probably already buying them yourself or you have at least tried them, but it’s an expensive and challenging way to get clients, compared to using SEO for plumbers.
SEO for plumbers gives you great leads.
When you are getting leads from your website because of SEO, you are talking with people who went online and found your website and decided that they wanted to talk to you about their situation, so they picked up the phone and called you, or filled out a form on your website. They aren’t getting automatically chased by four other competitors racing to land them as a client, it’s just you that’s calling them. You aren’t going to get a better lead than that anywhere, from any other marketing or lead source.
One part of SEO for plumbers is about how the plumbing company’s website is designed and created.
What does SEO for a plumber actually look like? There are two target markets for plumber SEO, one is the people who need your services and the other is the search engines themselves so we make your website attractive to both. From the perspective of the search engines, they want to know that they are sending prospects who are looking for help to an above average plumber in your area. They are going to be looking at do you for sure actually provide the plumbing services they are looking for? This is the technical side of your SEO. Remember the computers don’t make leaps of logic, they take things literally; If your pictures are named after the date they are taken then the search engine is going to think the picture is about that date, and it’s common to see images named things like “File photo of people shaking hands” or “Graph from 2020”. There are lots of little details like that, including just making it easier for the search engines to navigate your website that will help your website rank higher. The search engines have a budget for the amount of time they are going to spend on your website, the easier it is for the search engines to navigate your website, the more of your website they are likely to index, and the more content your site can get ranked for.
Plumber SEO is about attracting the right prospects.
You don’t want every possible prospect, you want prospects that are interested in the types of services that you provide, that can afford to hire you. By managing the content on your website, you can attract the types of clients that you want, clients that need the specific services that you provide and have the ability to hire you and pay their bills.
SEO for plumbers is also about your website’s page loading speed.
Then we look at other factors like your page loading speed; have you ever clicked on a link and then backed out because the page took too long to load? Most people will back out if a page takes more than a few seconds to load. If more people are backing out from your website than they do from your competitor’s website, the search engines are likely to rank your competitor’s website higher because it is more likely to give the person a better experience. The person who built your website for you probably didn’t take into consideration how long it took the pages to load, they are working on their own computer or working remotely on a high bandwidth connection and from their perspective, page loading speed isn’t an issue. They are more concerned with the appearance of the layout than making sure the images are saved in the format that will load the fastest, because most clients want an attractive website and don’t care as much as fast it loads. The content was probably written with the priority of being the right number of words to fit into that part of the page, as opposed to being written to communicate to the prospect why they should call you and ultimately hire you.
Plumber SEO answers the question of Why Hire You?
We also look at the content of your website itself in terms of what the prospect sees; is it clear how you can help them, is it clear why they should call you for help instead of going to the next website in the line and calling them instead? Is it easy to find your firm’s phone number on the site or the form to fill out? And so on.
A plumber’s website needs internal links from their own blog.
The next part of your SEO is links, both what are called external links that are from other websites going to your website and internal links from within your website itself and from your blog posts. The optimum amount of activity for blogging is you should be writing two to three blog posts per week, every week, plus using links to guide both your blog readers and the search engines toward the other pages of your website. By adding blog posts every few days, you are adding more internal links, which the search engines evaluate you on, more content which the search engines like to see, and more different combinations of keywords, which means every few days you are adding more searches that you could potentially be ranking for. (A keyword is what someone types into the search engine, like “best plumber in Austin Texas”)
SEO for plumbers relies heavily on quality backlinks.
For external links, you want two things, lots of links of course, but you also want links from many different websites, and you specifically want links from websites that have high authority. Think of links as recommendations for your services. Would you rather have a recommendation from a website that is seen as an authority, or one that was just launched, that no one thinks is important? A link from a website with a domain authority of fifty is a lot more valuable than link from a website with a domain authority of five. Volume of links is also important, so having 1,000 links from 200 websites is better than 500 links from 100 websites, and both of those are better than having 2,000 links from a single website. Having 2,000 links from one website is like having just one person who talks about you constantly, yes it can help, but having a thousand people saying good things about you is much better.
The best plumbing firms are growing, so show the search engines you are growing.
Finally, the search engines like to see an active site that is growing in size each month and also gaining links each month, which shows that it is growing in authority and is a good place to send prospects who are looking for plumbing help. Remember that the search engines are trying their best to give your prospective clients a good experience. For a plumber which provides a service instead of just information to read about, above all else they need to still be in business and preferably working on growing their business. Adding more content and backlinks on a regular basis is a great way to show the search engines that you are active and ready to help people who need your services.
After all, a business that isn’t updating its content regularly and gaining more external links may have gone out of business or may not be accepting new clients, which means they can’t help the person who needs plumbing help.
SEO for plumbers isn’t a secret, your biggest competitors are already doing it.
Your best competitors are routinely adding content and backlinks for their own plumber SEO, so you need to at least match them, or you are going to be falling behind and that means fewer leads, fewer clients and less revenue. Remember the majority of the people who need to hire a plumber are doing their own research and the biggest plumbing businesses didn’t get that way by not going after their prospects.
That’s why our program not only gets your website where it needs to be, it continues to add blog posts and external links at a pace that results in your website continuing to climb in the rankings for more and more keywords over time, your competitors just won’t be able to keep up.
That is why we make your website load faster, easier to navigate, more informative and continue to expand your content and backlinks over time.
How long does plumber SEO take to kick in?
One question we get a lot is, when will we see results from your plumber search engine optimization, when will my phone start ringing more often? From some of what we do, you will probably see results immediately because when your site is better at communicating your value to your prospects, you will get a higher conversion rate from the people who visit your website.
The title and descriptions in your plumbing business website matters to your prospects.
When your website has better page and title descriptions, you will likely see more people clicking through to your website from the search engines just as soon as the search engines see the new descriptions and show them to searchers, which depending on your situation could take days or a few weeks.
People want to find what they are looking for.
People are looking for page and title descriptions that gives them confidence that they will find what they are looking for. They might type in something like “best plumber in Atlanta Georgia” but what they are really looking for is the promise that their problems are going to go away, that the toilet will stop overflowing and that they can rebuild their lives. A frustrated person might type in “plumber in New York” but what they are looking for is an experienced plumber that is going to make sure that they get their pipes to stop leaking the first time. Your website should do more than just rank well, it should give your prospects the confidence to click on your link, and then fill out a form or call you.
Your plumbing business SEO builds on your existing reputation and improves it.
When people need a plumber, they often see the need coming, maybe the pipes have been leaking for a while. They want to be confident that you can handle the situation when it comes up, they want to know that they have found the plumber that can help them. Maybe they have heard of your firm before and they are searching for you by name. When they find you, you want to make sure that what they find reinforces your positive reputation, not gives them reason to question their decision to reach out to you.
Plumber SEO is also about appearances.
Are your images crisp? Do they portray you in a positive light? Are they trimmed correctly to avoid distractions?
These are the things that we do to maximize the benefits you are getting from the steps you have taken in the past to build your companies name awareness and reputation. Don’t worry if you are just getting started, everyone started somewhere. But if you have an existing positive reputation, we want to make sure to continue to build that reputation.
Plumber search engine optimization requires a lot of blogging.
Next, by adding blog posts on various subjects related to the types of plumbing problems you specialize in eight or more times per month, we are adding more and more combinations of keywords that prospects can use to find you. Think of all the different situations that can come up in your industry and you can see how much potential there is to add content on a regular basis to the blog portion of your website. These blog posts are for both the consumer and the search engines, the more content that you provide to the search engines, the more website traffic the search engines will send you, the more leads you will get and the more clients you can bring onboard. Finally, adding those quality backlinks will show the search engines you are a valuable resource for your prospects as well as giving you some traffic from those links. Links from other websites are like votes for your plumbing firm to be the winner in your area.
Plumbing SEO is time consuming to do right.
Most SEO companies do one or two of the four factors, after all it’s a lot of work to get a client a thousand backlinks or more each month and writing two or three blog posts each week is almost a full time job by itself. Most plumbing firms consider themselves to be doing well if they add one blog post a month and spend an afternoon each month calling around other website owners and trying to get themselves a single additional quality backlink. After all most plumbers don’t spend 100% of their time doing billable hours, the last thing they need is another distraction from being able to accumulate more billable hours.
Very few plumbers have the time and the specific skills needed to do their own SEO, and most SEO companies don’t provide all the services they need for effective plumbing SEO, which gives you an advantage over your competitors when you use our service.
Call us today or fill out the form below. We will do a free analysis of your current website and let you know how much potential there is for your plumbing business to grow, both in sales and in stability, with an effective SEO strategy.
Look at what plumbers in Chicago Illinois are willing to pay just to get a single visitor to their website, anywhere from $8 to $42 per click. Remember a click isn't always a visitor, if your website loads slowly they may not wait for your page to load before they try the next website. A #1 position for Plumber in Chicago IL is probably getting about 25% of those 5,000 searches or 1,250 clicks, each of which is worth an average of $23.60, making the #1 position for Plumber in Chicago worth $29,500 a month! Keep in mind, that's just the value of the first search term, there are an average of 46,950 searches for plumbers in the average month. That #1 position is worth $277,000 a month! Even if you averaged just being on the very bottom of the first page which would give you 1/10th as many visitors, that would be worth $27,000 a month.
There are a lot of different ways to phrase “I need a plumber”.
There are over 600 different keywords that prospects use to look for a plumber online. Even people who are looking for the same type of solution don’t type the same things into the search engines. Some people are typing in plumber near me, some people are typing in best plumber near me, others are just typing in plumber, or plumber and the name of the city they live in. To the degree possible, your search engine optimization needs to take all of the different keywords into account, this is where your website's blog posts can come in very handy.
SEO for plumbers is better than using shared leads.
Shared leads are available from multiple companies but with shared leads you are in a race against time to be the first person to call them, and it’s difficult to establish credibility when you are one of five firms chasing the same prospect at the same time. That level of competition for your prospects can drive down your hourly billing rate, even for the prospects that can easily afford to hire you. Getting clients is hard enough without battling against 3-5 other plumbers at the same time with every single prospective client. Shared leads do work, you are probably already buying them yourself or you have at least tried them, but it’s an expensive and challenging way to get clients, compared to using SEO for plumbers.
SEO for plumbers gives you great leads.
When you are getting leads from your website because of SEO, you are talking with people who went online and found your website and decided that they wanted to talk to you about their situation, so they picked up the phone and called you, or filled out a form on your website. They aren’t getting automatically chased by four other competitors racing to land them as a client, it’s just you that’s calling them. You aren’t going to get a better lead than that anywhere, from any other marketing or lead source.
One part of SEO for plumbers is about how the plumbing company’s website is designed and created.
What does SEO for a plumber actually look like? There are two target markets for plumber SEO, one is the people who need your services and the other is the search engines themselves so we make your website attractive to both. From the perspective of the search engines, they want to know that they are sending prospects who are looking for help to an above average plumber in your area. They are going to be looking at do you for sure actually provide the plumbing services they are looking for? This is the technical side of your SEO. Remember the computers don’t make leaps of logic, they take things literally; If your pictures are named after the date they are taken then the search engine is going to think the picture is about that date, and it’s common to see images named things like “File photo of people shaking hands” or “Graph from 2020”. There are lots of little details like that, including just making it easier for the search engines to navigate your website that will help your website rank higher. The search engines have a budget for the amount of time they are going to spend on your website, the easier it is for the search engines to navigate your website, the more of your website they are likely to index, and the more content your site can get ranked for.
Plumber SEO is about attracting the right prospects.
You don’t want every possible prospect, you want prospects that are interested in the types of services that you provide, that can afford to hire you. By managing the content on your website, you can attract the types of clients that you want, clients that need the specific services that you provide and have the ability to hire you and pay their bills.
SEO for plumbers is also about your website’s page loading speed.
Then we look at other factors like your page loading speed; have you ever clicked on a link and then backed out because the page took too long to load? Most people will back out if a page takes more than a few seconds to load. If more people are backing out from your website than they do from your competitor’s website, the search engines are likely to rank your competitor’s website higher because it is more likely to give the person a better experience. The person who built your website for you probably didn’t take into consideration how long it took the pages to load, they are working on their own computer or working remotely on a high bandwidth connection and from their perspective, page loading speed isn’t an issue. They are more concerned with the appearance of the layout than making sure the images are saved in the format that will load the fastest, because most clients want an attractive website and don’t care as much as fast it loads. The content was probably written with the priority of being the right number of words to fit into that part of the page, as opposed to being written to communicate to the prospect why they should call you and ultimately hire you.
Plumber SEO answers the question of Why Hire You?
We also look at the content of your website itself in terms of what the prospect sees; is it clear how you can help them, is it clear why they should call you for help instead of going to the next website in the line and calling them instead? Is it easy to find your firm’s phone number on the site or the form to fill out? And so on.
A plumber’s website needs internal links from their own blog.
The next part of your SEO is links, both what are called external links that are from other websites going to your website and internal links from within your website itself and from your blog posts. The optimum amount of activity for blogging is you should be writing two to three blog posts per week, every week, plus using links to guide both your blog readers and the search engines toward the other pages of your website. By adding blog posts every few days, you are adding more internal links, which the search engines evaluate you on, more content which the search engines like to see, and more different combinations of keywords, which means every few days you are adding more searches that you could potentially be ranking for. (A keyword is what someone types into the search engine, like “best plumber in Austin Texas”)
SEO for plumbers relies heavily on quality backlinks.
For external links, you want two things, lots of links of course, but you also want links from many different websites, and you specifically want links from websites that have high authority. Think of links as recommendations for your services. Would you rather have a recommendation from a website that is seen as an authority, or one that was just launched, that no one thinks is important? A link from a website with a domain authority of fifty is a lot more valuable than link from a website with a domain authority of five. Volume of links is also important, so having 1,000 links from 200 websites is better than 500 links from 100 websites, and both of those are better than having 2,000 links from a single website. Having 2,000 links from one website is like having just one person who talks about you constantly, yes it can help, but having a thousand people saying good things about you is much better.
The best plumbing firms are growing, so show the search engines you are growing.
Finally, the search engines like to see an active site that is growing in size each month and also gaining links each month, which shows that it is growing in authority and is a good place to send prospects who are looking for plumbing help. Remember that the search engines are trying their best to give your prospective clients a good experience. For a plumber which provides a service instead of just information to read about, above all else they need to still be in business and preferably working on growing their business. Adding more content and backlinks on a regular basis is a great way to show the search engines that you are active and ready to help people who need your services.
After all, a business that isn’t updating its content regularly and gaining more external links may have gone out of business or may not be accepting new clients, which means they can’t help the person who needs plumbing help.
SEO for plumbers isn’t a secret, your biggest competitors are already doing it.
Your best competitors are routinely adding content and backlinks for their own plumber SEO, so you need to at least match them, or you are going to be falling behind and that means fewer leads, fewer clients and less revenue. Remember the majority of the people who need to hire a plumber are doing their own research and the biggest plumbing businesses didn’t get that way by not going after their prospects.
That’s why our program not only gets your website where it needs to be, it continues to add blog posts and external links at a pace that results in your website continuing to climb in the rankings for more and more keywords over time, your competitors just won’t be able to keep up.
That is why we make your website load faster, easier to navigate, more informative and continue to expand your content and backlinks over time.
How long does plumber SEO take to kick in?
One question we get a lot is, when will we see results from your plumber search engine optimization, when will my phone start ringing more often? From some of what we do, you will probably see results immediately because when your site is better at communicating your value to your prospects, you will get a higher conversion rate from the people who visit your website.
The title and descriptions in your plumbing business website matters to your prospects.
When your website has better page and title descriptions, you will likely see more people clicking through to your website from the search engines just as soon as the search engines see the new descriptions and show them to searchers, which depending on your situation could take days or a few weeks.
People want to find what they are looking for.
People are looking for page and title descriptions that gives them confidence that they will find what they are looking for. They might type in something like “best plumber in Atlanta Georgia” but what they are really looking for is the promise that their problems are going to go away, that the toilet will stop overflowing and that they can rebuild their lives. A frustrated person might type in “plumber in New York” but what they are looking for is an experienced plumber that is going to make sure that they get their pipes to stop leaking the first time. Your website should do more than just rank well, it should give your prospects the confidence to click on your link, and then fill out a form or call you.
Your plumbing business SEO builds on your existing reputation and improves it.
When people need a plumber, they often see the need coming, maybe the pipes have been leaking for a while. They want to be confident that you can handle the situation when it comes up, they want to know that they have found the plumber that can help them. Maybe they have heard of your firm before and they are searching for you by name. When they find you, you want to make sure that what they find reinforces your positive reputation, not gives them reason to question their decision to reach out to you.
Plumber SEO is also about appearances.
Are your images crisp? Do they portray you in a positive light? Are they trimmed correctly to avoid distractions?
These are the things that we do to maximize the benefits you are getting from the steps you have taken in the past to build your companies name awareness and reputation. Don’t worry if you are just getting started, everyone started somewhere. But if you have an existing positive reputation, we want to make sure to continue to build that reputation.
Plumber search engine optimization requires a lot of blogging.
Next, by adding blog posts on various subjects related to the types of plumbing problems you specialize in eight or more times per month, we are adding more and more combinations of keywords that prospects can use to find you. Think of all the different situations that can come up in your industry and you can see how much potential there is to add content on a regular basis to the blog portion of your website. These blog posts are for both the consumer and the search engines, the more content that you provide to the search engines, the more website traffic the search engines will send you, the more leads you will get and the more clients you can bring onboard. Finally, adding those quality backlinks will show the search engines you are a valuable resource for your prospects as well as giving you some traffic from those links. Links from other websites are like votes for your plumbing firm to be the winner in your area.
Plumbing SEO is time consuming to do right.
Most SEO companies do one or two of the four factors, after all it’s a lot of work to get a client a thousand backlinks or more each month and writing two or three blog posts each week is almost a full time job by itself. Most plumbing firms consider themselves to be doing well if they add one blog post a month and spend an afternoon each month calling around other website owners and trying to get themselves a single additional quality backlink. After all most plumbers don’t spend 100% of their time doing billable hours, the last thing they need is another distraction from being able to accumulate more billable hours.
Very few plumbers have the time and the specific skills needed to do their own SEO, and most SEO companies don’t provide all the services they need for effective plumbing SEO, which gives you an advantage over your competitors when you use our service.
Call us today or fill out the form below. We will do a free analysis of your current website and let you know how much potential there is for your plumbing business to grow, both in sales and in stability, with an effective SEO strategy.
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