Prospects in your county, state or even nationwide see or hear your message and call you if they are interested.
Multi-channel marketing gets people to call you. Using a wide variety of methods including email, ringless voicemail and SMS marketing your prospects hear or read about your offer and the interested people call you. Each marketing method is evaluated and the most effective ones are used to maintain your cost per incoming call. Best of all, you just answer the phone, all the backend marketing management is handled for you.
We target as best we can based on who your ideal customer is.
If you have your customer's phone numbers we can remove them from the marketing list, if you think you would have gotten repeat business from them anyway.
After about a day your phone will start ringing with interested prospects. Until you know how long the calls will last, etc we recommend starting slow, perhaps 200 messages per day. Then depending on your volume you want you just send out more or fewer messages.
Many messages are short and to the point. Some people won't listen to a 30 second message while you get to the point. Often short and sweet works best.
But sometimes you have something compelling to say, and then a longer message makes more sense.
The emails are also pretty simple. Your offer is the same as in the other messages, and the interested people call you.
What is the quality of the calls?
If your business is typical, about 30% will end up as short term buyers and about 70% will be buyers in the future, unqualified for whatever reason or having a bad day and grumpy. Generally speaking, a short message like the ones above will be more likely to attract hot button buyers.
I hate talking to unqualified and grumpy people. What are my options?
It is about $1 a minute to have a USA based call center take those calls for you. Grumpy calls are pretty quick, unqualified takes a bit longer, you can probably figure on it costing you an extra $3 per inbound call to have someone else handle the initial calls, qualify them for you and then do a warm transfer to your salespeople or send them to you in an email. Any good answering service can take the calls for you or we can suggest someone for you.
Sign me up for a pilot!
Fill out the form below and we will be happy to talk to you and make sure it is a good fit for you, etc.
We target as best we can based on who your ideal customer is.
If you have your customer's phone numbers we can remove them from the marketing list, if you think you would have gotten repeat business from them anyway.
After about a day your phone will start ringing with interested prospects. Until you know how long the calls will last, etc we recommend starting slow, perhaps 200 messages per day. Then depending on your volume you want you just send out more or fewer messages.
Many messages are short and to the point. Some people won't listen to a 30 second message while you get to the point. Often short and sweet works best.
- "Hi, this is Mike. I have some great deals on new cars, if you are in the market for a new car, give me a call at"
- "Hi, this is Joe. If you had water damage from that storm I can take care of it for you, give me a call at"
- "Hi, this is Jim. We have some great deals on walk in tubs, if you are interested in one give me a call at"
But sometimes you have something compelling to say, and then a longer message makes more sense.
- "Hi, this is Mike. I design websites for auto-repair shops that make you look good and get ranked on Google so people can find you when they need you, and I'm pretty reasonably priced. Give me a call, I'd like to show you some samples of what I can do for you. xxx-xxx-xxxx"
- "Hi, this is Patrick. I generate exclusive fresh leads of people that are interested in a solar system for their house for just $7 each, or $9 if your want them to have a 650 or better credit score. I'd like to show you how you can get as many Leads as you like, please call me xxx-xxx-xxxx"
The emails are also pretty simple. Your offer is the same as in the other messages, and the interested people call you.
What is the quality of the calls?
If your business is typical, about 30% will end up as short term buyers and about 70% will be buyers in the future, unqualified for whatever reason or having a bad day and grumpy. Generally speaking, a short message like the ones above will be more likely to attract hot button buyers.
I hate talking to unqualified and grumpy people. What are my options?
It is about $1 a minute to have a USA based call center take those calls for you. Grumpy calls are pretty quick, unqualified takes a bit longer, you can probably figure on it costing you an extra $3 per inbound call to have someone else handle the initial calls, qualify them for you and then do a warm transfer to your salespeople or send them to you in an email. Any good answering service can take the calls for you or we can suggest someone for you.
Sign me up for a pilot!
Fill out the form below and we will be happy to talk to you and make sure it is a good fit for you, etc.
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