Overview of Opt-in Leads
Information we need to set up your project:
Simple Opt-in:
If you want to get the Leads via API link, we need:
If you want us to exclude people you already have in your database:
You can send us a CSV file before the campaign starts and weekly thereafter with the email addresses of the people you already have as Leads., or we can set up a Pre-Ping.
WHAT IS PRE-PING? Pre-ping allows partners to query your email list to see if a lead already exists before sending it to you. This gives the lead provider the ability to identify and reject duplicates in real-time, which helps to eliminate wasted impressions and boost conversion rates.
HOW DOES IT WORK? All existing emails are managed securely by you via your internal database. By providing your lead provider with a unique query URL for the appropriate list(s) the lead provider may run a quick check to determine if your offer should be presented to the specific consumer. If the consumer’s email already exists within your database, the lead provider will not display your offer, but show an alternative offer. If the consumer’s email does not already exist within your database, the lead provider will display your offer.
1. Ping URL – This link provides the endpoint where the Lead Provider may reference your email database.
2. Method – The delivery method, most commonly Get or HTTP Post.
3. Success Response – The dynamic response provided by your system that signifies if a lead already exists in your database or not.
Example: Ping URL: http://www.example.com/memberExists.asp?email={{ MD5 Hashed user.email }} Method: GET Success Response: email does not exist
Other Stuff to know:
The Leads are exclusive. Don't bother asking for "Aged Data".
The close rate on these Leads tends to be 1% to 7%, with close rates after optimization typically in the 4% to 7% range, this typically results in a marketing cost of $60 to $300 in the beginning and $60 to $100 after optimization. Your close rates will depend on your offer, your follow-up process and the degree to which we can optimize your Leads based on the feedback you give us.
We oversupply by 20% to proactively address any issues like disconnected phone numbers, etc. If you order 1,000 Leads, you will get 1,200 and when we talk about closing 1% to 7%, we are talking about 10 to 70 of the 1,000 Leads you paid for, the sales from the additional Leads are in addition to that.
If you are struggling to follow-up effectively, you should ask for help.
We ask for payment before the Leads are created and delivered.
In the event that collection activity is necessary, you agree to pay all reasonable and customary collection costs and attorney fees.
Simple Opt-in:
- Posting Specs (API Link) or the email address you would like a CSV file of Leads sent to each day.
- Pre-Ping Instructions (if applicable; MD5) If you don't know what this is, don't worry about it. See the section about excluding people that are already in your database.
- Logo 120x60 We can probably grab this off of your website, or we can have a designed create one for you, it will likely take a few days to create one.
- Opt-in copy (headline + body copy; we prefer headline phrased in a yes/no question, and 1-2 sentences of body copy including a clear “Click Yes” call-to-action) We will help you write this and you will approve it before the campaign launches.
- Targeting Criteria (age, geo, etc.) Anything you already know about your best prospects will help us get off to a good start, optimization starts after you give us feedback on 1,000 to 2,000 of the Leads.
- Day-Parting Schedule (if applicable) What time of day do you want your offer to be visible, if it matters.
- Caps (daily, monthly or overall caps) What is the most Leads you want per day, per month, etc.
- TCPA Language We can use ours or you can provide your own.
If you want to get the Leads via API link, we need:
- The base URL of where we're sending the leads
- What fields they want us to send them
- i.e. first name, last name, address, city, state, zip, phone, email, IP address, date of birth, gender, timestamp
- How their system accepts those fields
- i.e. fname, lname, street, city, state, zip_code, phone_number, email, IP_address, DOB, gender, date_time
- The success response when a lead is accepted
- i.e. "This lead has been successfully posted" or "success" or "subscribed" or "accepted"
If you want us to exclude people you already have in your database:
You can send us a CSV file before the campaign starts and weekly thereafter with the email addresses of the people you already have as Leads., or we can set up a Pre-Ping.
WHAT IS PRE-PING? Pre-ping allows partners to query your email list to see if a lead already exists before sending it to you. This gives the lead provider the ability to identify and reject duplicates in real-time, which helps to eliminate wasted impressions and boost conversion rates.
HOW DOES IT WORK? All existing emails are managed securely by you via your internal database. By providing your lead provider with a unique query URL for the appropriate list(s) the lead provider may run a quick check to determine if your offer should be presented to the specific consumer. If the consumer’s email already exists within your database, the lead provider will not display your offer, but show an alternative offer. If the consumer’s email does not already exist within your database, the lead provider will display your offer.
1. Ping URL – This link provides the endpoint where the Lead Provider may reference your email database.
2. Method – The delivery method, most commonly Get or HTTP Post.
3. Success Response – The dynamic response provided by your system that signifies if a lead already exists in your database or not.
Example: Ping URL: http://www.example.com/memberExists.asp?email={{ MD5 Hashed user.email }} Method: GET Success Response: email does not exist
Other Stuff to know:
The Leads are exclusive. Don't bother asking for "Aged Data".
The close rate on these Leads tends to be 1% to 7%, with close rates after optimization typically in the 4% to 7% range, this typically results in a marketing cost of $60 to $300 in the beginning and $60 to $100 after optimization. Your close rates will depend on your offer, your follow-up process and the degree to which we can optimize your Leads based on the feedback you give us.
We oversupply by 20% to proactively address any issues like disconnected phone numbers, etc. If you order 1,000 Leads, you will get 1,200 and when we talk about closing 1% to 7%, we are talking about 10 to 70 of the 1,000 Leads you paid for, the sales from the additional Leads are in addition to that.
If you are struggling to follow-up effectively, you should ask for help.
We ask for payment before the Leads are created and delivered.
In the event that collection activity is necessary, you agree to pay all reasonable and customary collection costs and attorney fees.
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