Live transfers for insurance agents that offer
Medicare, Final Expense and more!
What are insurance live transfers? A live transfer is when someone else does all the work to get qualified, interested people on the phone, verifies they are valid prospects and then transfers the call to you. In the case of a Warm Transfer, there is typically a hand off, where the prospect and agent are introduced to each other.
This is typically a better use of an insurance agent's time than making those initial calls themselves, as it allows the insurance agent to spend their selling time talking to valid, interested prospects instead of wading past answering machines to hear a "No" more often than a "Yes".
Because of the possibility of a transfer coming through while a client is still making the sale from a previous transfer, we ask that each client have a minimum of three agents available to take the calls. All three agents don't have to sitting there twiddling their fingers waiting for the phone to ring, but they need to be available to answer the phone the majority of the time. Don't have three agents? You probably want the real time exclusive insurance leads instead.
Generally speaking, clients need to be licensed in at least 10 states. There is some flexibility on this one because for example lots of people live in Texas and very few people live in North Dakota.
All records are scrubbed against the Do-Not-Call list and/or the Blacklist Alliance list as appropriate, are TCPA compliant and when appropriate come with Jornaya tokens and Trusted Form tokens.
The buffer is 120 seconds, two full minutes, plenty of time to confirm they are valid prospects for you.
During the initial screening call before they are transferred to you, the following information is gathered then the answers are transmitted to the agent's CRM as the call is transferred, so the agent has quite a bit of information to assist them during the call.
This is typically a better use of an insurance agent's time than making those initial calls themselves, as it allows the insurance agent to spend their selling time talking to valid, interested prospects instead of wading past answering machines to hear a "No" more often than a "Yes".
Because of the possibility of a transfer coming through while a client is still making the sale from a previous transfer, we ask that each client have a minimum of three agents available to take the calls. All three agents don't have to sitting there twiddling their fingers waiting for the phone to ring, but they need to be available to answer the phone the majority of the time. Don't have three agents? You probably want the real time exclusive insurance leads instead.
Generally speaking, clients need to be licensed in at least 10 states. There is some flexibility on this one because for example lots of people live in Texas and very few people live in North Dakota.
All records are scrubbed against the Do-Not-Call list and/or the Blacklist Alliance list as appropriate, are TCPA compliant and when appropriate come with Jornaya tokens and Trusted Form tokens.
The buffer is 120 seconds, two full minutes, plenty of time to confirm they are valid prospects for you.
During the initial screening call before they are transferred to you, the following information is gathered then the answers are transmitted to the agent's CRM as the call is transferred, so the agent has quite a bit of information to assist them during the call.
Life Insurance Lead info collected:
Date of Birth
Tobacco User
Marital Status
What policy are they interested in? (term 1 year, 5 year, 10 year, 15 year, 20 year, 25 year, 30 year, whole, universal, cash value, not sure)
How much coverage do they need?
Do they practice scuba diving, skydiving, rock climbing? IF YES: EXCLUDE.
Do they have a DUI vs. DWI? IF YES. EXCLUDE.
Have they been insured in the last 30 days? If yes, with who?
Have they served in the US military?
Any prescriptions or medications?
Any major health conditions? EXCLUDE
Phone Number
Major Health Conditions list we screen for, if the lead has one of those we exclude it:
Date of Birth
Tobacco User
Marital Status
What policy are they interested in? (term 1 year, 5 year, 10 year, 15 year, 20 year, 25 year, 30 year, whole, universal, cash value, not sure)
How much coverage do they need?
Do they practice scuba diving, skydiving, rock climbing? IF YES: EXCLUDE.
Do they have a DUI vs. DWI? IF YES. EXCLUDE.
Have they been insured in the last 30 days? If yes, with who?
Have they served in the US military?
Any prescriptions or medications?
Any major health conditions? EXCLUDE
Phone Number
Major Health Conditions list we screen for, if the lead has one of those we exclude it:
- Hepatitis
- Drug/Alcohol Abuse
- Pulmonary Disease
- Stroke
- Alzheimer's/Dementia
- Vascular Disease
- Cancer
- Emphysema
- Mental Health/Depression
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Heart Disease
- Kidney Disease
- Medicare Advantage/Supplement Live Transfer: CMS-approved scripting, includes Jornaya and Trusted Form, TCPA, DNC, and Black List Alliance scrubbing. and offers a 20% conversion rate with a Buffer of 120 seconds. Leads that do not meet the criteria will be replaced. The cost is $50 per warm live transfer. The prospects have shown interest in buying additional benefits such as Dental, Vision, Hearing, Drugs, etc. The Minimum Order for the test is 50 leads with a1-week delivery. After you are delighted, the following re-orders are at least 100 calls. You need a minimum of 3 Agents available to take the calls. Nationwide targeting, please. Bulk pricing is available when you grow, or if you are already there.
- Health Insurance U65 Live Transfer: Jornaya and Trusted Form, TCPA compliant, DNC and Black List Alliance scrubbing. 20% conversion rate with a Buffer of 120 seconds. Affordability verified of $150+/month on individual plan. Income range filter on data is available. No Major Health Conditions, (see list above). Not on Medicare or Medicaid. Leads that do not meet the criteria will be replaced. $50 per warm live transfer. Min.Order:50 with 1-week delivery. Following re-order: 100. Min. 3 Agents to take calls. Min. 10 States to start. Bulk pricing available.
- ACA Obamacare Live Transfer: Jornaya and Trusted Form leads, that are TCPA complaint, DNC and Black List Alliance scrubbed. Clients report an over 20% conversion rate. The calls have a Buffer of120 seconds. We verify they are not on Medicare or Medicaid with an age of 18-64 and income between13k and 50k. Leads that does not meet the criteria will be replaced. The investment is $50 per warm live transfer with a minimum order for the test of 50 calls with 1-week delivery. After you see the quality, the re-order minimum is 100 calls. You need a minimum of three Agents available to take the calls. Minimum of 10 States to start. Bulk pricing is available if/when you have more agents.
- Final Expense Live Transfer: Jornaya and Trusted Form. TCPA, DNC, Black List Alliance. Over 20% conversion rate. Buffer 120 seconds. Age 45-85. No Major Health Conditions. Min. plan $10,000 and up to $50,000+ available. Leads that do not meet the criteria will be replaced. $50 per warm live transfer. Min. Order:50 with 1-week delivery. Following re-order: 100. Min. 3 Agents to take calls. Min. 10 States to start. Bulk pricing available.
- Life Insurance Live Transfer: Jornaya and trusted form. TCPA, DNC, Black List Alliance. Premium and Standard. No Major Health Conditions. Buffer 120 seconds. Our leads are screened using over 15 industry-standard filtering questions (see below). Leads that does not meet the criteria will be replaced. Standard $50. Premium $85 per warm handoff. Min. Order: 50. Following re-order: 100. Min. 5 states to start. Bulk pricing available.
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